An Added Benefit from Treating Gout: A Reduced Risk for Dementia
By Richard J. Johnson, MDGout Education Society board member andProfessor of Medicine at the University of Colorado The pain of an acute attack of gout
Can Financial Woes Trigger Gout Flares?
By Nancy Carteron, MD, FACR, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, University of California, Berkeley, and Board Member, HealthWell Foundation About one in five people living with
Gout In The Foot? But Where Else?
More often than not, gout will affect the foot, presenting symptoms in a joint that is red, swollen, hot to the touch, and extremely painful.
Umami: The Taste for Foods that Cause Gout
So much of our desire for food can be linked to taste. Today there are five major types of tastes that the taste buds on our tongue can sense.
The Sweet Pain of Gout
Gout is commonly associated with obesity and the over-indulgence of foods and alcohol. Indeed, gout was common in Europe between the 17th and 19th centuries where it affected primarily royalty and the wealthy, and the affliction of gout was often the subject of satire.
Foods to Avoid with Gout
Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. It is a life-long disease that requires ongoing treatment and management.
Understanding How Elevated Uric Acid Levels Can Cause Gout
More than 9.2 million adults in the United States live with the diagnosis of gout (also known as gouty arthritis), and its basic cause is having a high level of uric acid in the blood.
However, this condition can be treated and managed, returning normal uric acid levels to normal.
Everything You Need to Know About a Gout Flare Up
Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. Gouty arthritis affects more than 9.2 million Americans, with incidence on the rise. This blog post is intended to increase your knowledge of gout flares, as well as provide guidance for avoiding recurrent gout attacks and, ultimately, the development of chronic gout.
Purine Intake and the Role it Plays in Gout Management
Gout is the most common and the most painful form of inflammatory arthritis. The root cause of gout is elevated levels of uric acid that