Unfortunately, many patients do not follow their doctor’s recommendations and are not taking medications as prescribed. This is very likely to lead to more painful gout flares, which will become more frequent and longer in duration.
Intercritical Gout
During this stage, also known as intercritical gout, a patient is between gout flares. There is symptom-free time, when joints are functioning normally. However—even when the patient is not experiencing symptoms—ongoing deposits of uric acid crystals will continue to accumulate, silently. Additional and more painful flares of gout are likely to continue unless the uric acid is lowered to 6.0 mg/dL or below, depending on the doctor’s recommendation.
Where the first or early gout flares lasted for three to seven days once or twice a year, the next phase of gout is marked by flares every four to six months and lasting one to two weeks. This, indeed, is a frustrating time for patients—particularly, if they are doing everything prescribed by their doctor.

Painful flares can prevail
Even when you, or those you’re caring for, are being monitored by a physician and are taking medications as prescribed and are following a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Gout Cartoons
Check out this months featured gout cartoons, inked by artist Shaun Boland.

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